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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Last night we went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the theater. Michael picked up , we met at home and drove out to KOP to meet and . We intended to go to the IMAX showing of it, but by the time we got there it was sold out! I was pretty disappointed, I still haven’t seen a movie in that IMAX, every time it’s sold out %\ Going to KOP is quite a hike for us on a weeknight, so we decided to just see it in the normal theater instead. Went in for a 7:30 showing. Unfortunately wasn’t feeling well and her and had to leave pretty early in the film %( So it was just Michael, Nita and I, but we had fun.

The movie itself? Wacky, silly, fun. I was in a bit of a silly mood too, so I’m sure that contributed to how much I enjoyed it. So many little parts made me laugh, and how fantastic (and not making sense) the whole world of Wonka is was fun. And Depp played a great crazy Wonka.

I’d like to see it again, but I think I’ll wait until it’s on DVD, only because this is a big movie year and I don’t like going to the theater too often.