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I haven’t been in the best mood, I know it’s because of the heat. I’ve been getting headaches daily from going in and out of air conditioning, so I’ve been downing the Advil a bit more than I should. And I keep bumping into things. I’m naturally clumsy, but normally I can pay close enough attention to what I’m doing to avoid getting bruises. Not this week. Just 10 minutes ago I banged my knee on a bar under my desk that I usually manage to avoid. Yesterday morning I tripped on Caligula while going down the stairs and slammed my left arm into some of the molding on the wall, now I have a bruise on my arm just under my elbow where I rest my arm on my armrest.

Bleh, last I didn’t even feel like playing games last night when Michael asked %( But we did go out to get some cherry waterice from Rita’s last night. It was good, especially on such a hot night!

They say today is the last day of the killer heat, tomorrow we’re only suppose to have a high around 80. Much nicer than today’s high forecast temp of 97.


Tonight we’re heading over to Northside for the beer tasting and BBQ that I mentioned a couple entries ago. I’m so excited. We’ll be meeting Bob at our place, and driving up to be there when it starts at 7. Yummie. If anyone else wants to swing by (do we have any other local beer-loving friends?), the tickets for the event are $28 at the door, which includes all the beers we’ll be trying and dinner.

Our new dryer should be arriving sometime on friday. Michael wrote about our adventure purchasing it. In short, Lowes in Oaks was understaffed and the employees were clueless, we ended up buying it at Sears Appliance and Hardware in Collegeville, where we successfully got them to pricematch the dryer at Lowes. Even better, delivery from Sears is cheaper than Lowes, and they’ll hook up and test the new dryer, and haul away our old one.

Yay I can clean my clothes on Friday! Good thing, I’m running out of clean socks, and I hate going to the laundromat.