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Good movie, good friends, good evening

Well, we finally saw March of the Penguins. We went with Bob, , , and , and had hoped that and would get there on time, but they were coming all the way from DE and didn’t make it %\

The movie? It was great! I think it’s the first nature documentary I’ve ever seen in a movie theater, and I wasn’t disappointed. The cinematography was great, script for narration was great, music was great. It was oh so sad when penguins died (especially the babies!) but they made up for it by showing lots of cute surviving penguins. The only problem was the kids in the theater, I forgot how annoying they could be, I guess it’s been a while since I’ve been to a rated G movie before 8pm.

After the movie we hooked up with and and got a table for 8 at Max and Erma’s across the parking lot from the theater. We had fun. Well, at least I had fun %) The service was lousy, but it was late so I can understand it. The food was good though, and the company was great. We all went our separate ways around 11:30. But before we left let me borrow a couple of books and her cuecat to use with Readerware, yay!

And our plans for today? I spent the morning cataloging our books and movies (I’ll write more about this in a separate entry). We had plans for the evening, but are starting to rethink them, and now we’re in plan limbo. They are so many great options for a beautiful Saturday afternoon/evening in the summer!