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Just another entry complaining about the heat

This is now officially the hottest summer I’ve ever lived through. Maine certainly never got this hot.

I don’t do well in the heat, but over the past few years I’ve gotten better.

Yesterday was a bad one though. Most of the day I did ok, was doing work on some things, hiding in the air conditioned computer room. In the late afternoon I started feeling lousy, so we drove down the street to a nicely air-conditioned place and had a couple burgers. I felt great until we walked out of the restaurant. The heat hit me like a ton of bricks.

We got home, my head hurt. I took some advil and relaxed upstairs with my computer, hoping the headache would go away. Around 6:30 I gave up the fight, turned on the AC in the bedroom and went “to lie down for a bit.”

Michael came to check on me a couple times, brought me water and more advil. Around midnight he gave me some pajamas, since I had crashed in bed with my regular clothes on.

I woke up at 7:00 this morning. Yay me!

Hopefully today will be better. And I REALLY hope this is the last heat wave of the summer, it’s too much.