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Debian reinstall, the lawn and we met a very small person!

Last night I reinstalled Debian. I really wish I had taken notes last time I installed the system, since I’m going nuts trying to remember all the packages required to install the real nvidia drivers.

Why reinstall? I had two 80 gig drives in my system (Windows 40G, vfat 40G, Linux 80G), and we needed one to do backups with, since R2D2’s primary drive is starting his 120G drive is almost full. Besides I’d never use 160 gigs on my workstation, that’s what R2D2 media server is for.

We also needed to find a solution to our long grass problem. Our lawn mower died about a month ago, and Michael’s tried a bunch of things to fix it with no luck. We don’t have the receipt either, and didn’t follow up with those “send in receipt and registration card” things you need to do to be covered under the 2 year warranty (yes, we’ve learned our lesson). Now with my Aunt coming Thursday night we REALLY needed to get the lawn cut, I’d hate for family to finally visit and frown upon our long grass. At least it’s been a dry summer, the lawn isn’t as bad as it would have been last year.

Anyway, offered to let us borrow his push lawn mower! Yay! So we went over there to pick it up, and meet for the first time.

is a very small, cute person, cooked him good %) And he’s so big already, guess that’s what I get for waiting a month to see him.

So before thursday we need to: mow lawn, clean house, go grocery shopping. I’m going to have a busy night tonight. But it’s worth it %)