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Caligula IS Mahjongg

My brain was feeling toasty (no, not from the beer, it was from the long boring week I had!). So I wanted a mind-numbing project. In order to get in the brain numb mood I decided to play some mahjongg.

I play the gnome version of mahjongg (in gnome-games package), because it works nicely. But the tilesets included are boring. I wonder if I could download more?

Have you ever tried googling for gnome mahjongg tilesets? It didn’t take me long to get annoyed and give up, I wanted to relax afterall.

I wonder how hard it is to make my own?

Not too hard. I opened the existing PNG one: /usr/share/pixmaps/mahjongg/smooth.png and edited it. It took me from…

21:24:48 <@pleia2|odin> cool, it seems pretty easy to make gnome mahjongg tilesets..


23:20:18 <@pleia2|odin> behold: http://princessleia.com/images/journalpics/caligula_mahjongg.jpg

Ok, so I chatted and goofed off too.

You can download the caligula mahjongg tileset here: http://princessleia.com/tools/caligula_tileset.png

You just drop that into /usr/share/pixmaps/mahjongg/ and start up mahjongg, then choose it from the tileset list.