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Traffic sheep

I had the best time coming home from work today.

I was driving up Route 73 from Skippack Pharmacy, and about halfway to Schwenksville there were some cop cars and a sign saying “All Traffic –>

Closing part of 73 during rush hour? Madness! Must be something bad.

So I follow the detour, which is no fun for me since I don’t know the area all that well. I decided I’d just follow the person in front of me, since they seemed to know where they were going (a la Dirk Gently). When they followed most of the traffic and made a left turn onto a road I followed and ignored the big ole line of traffic exiting the road.

Driving down this little road, past a couple buildings and then I see A DEAD END! It’s a rounded dead end and everyone is turning around and getting into that big ole line to exit the road.

HAHAHA! I AM SUCH A SHEEP! WE SUCK! How absolutely amusing! I couldn’t help grinning while sitting in that line of traffic for 10 minutes, watching all the other people driving past me who would soon be in line behind me.

And then the traffic coming the other way stopped. I thought about this. Either: a) people stopped being sheep (HAHAHA) OR b) the detour is no longer there. So I figured that instead of following everyone again, making the terrible left out of that silly dead end road to follow the detour, I’d go right, back to 73 to see if the detour was gone.

My non-sheep brains were right, the detour was gone. I win!

But what down this road could have caused them to close Route 73 during rush hour?

I continued down 73 and it was closed down to one lane, passed a few firetrucks, police cars, and ambulence, then a tow-truck with a car on top that was crushed to about half of it’s original size. Ouch. But we all love to see a good accident.

And after all this I got home right when I said I would.

I was going to make this story fun, with pictures and much silliness, but my head started to hurt about halfway through writing this. Stupid allergies. Maybe some other time.