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boring errand stuff… and Shaman course begins this weekend!

I am exhausted.

It was a busy day at work. For lunch I took a co-worker up the street to Greater India for their lunch buffet. I’d never been for their lunch buffet, it was pretty good. My co-worker was very impressed, and amused that the staff there knew me. I was so full when I left.

Unfortunately that took up more than my whole lunchbreak, and I wasn’t able to do the normal “clearing of mind” that I do during lunch. I got back to work and worked, worked, worked. By 3:30 I was tired, by 5 I couldn’t wait to get out the door. I had some errands to run before going home, which I figured wouldn’t take long.

I needed to pick up some stuff to make sandwiches, some bagels and cream cheese, and a couple notebooks. All of this is for the shaman course we’re taking this weekend.

So I swung by Kohl’s, they don’t have notebooks. Dropped by the grocery store in the same parking lot, got most everything I needed, but the tomatoes there sucked, and they didn’t have notepads. Arg. I figured I’d just stop at a pharmacy or something to get the notebooks, and a roadside veggie stand for tomatoes.

I stood in Eckerd for about 10 minutes staring at their office supplies section that look like it was hit by a tornado (oh right, school just opened) and finally was able to find a couple decent looking college-ruled notebooks (I hate wide-ruled!). Then I stopped by a roadside veggie stand, but all I had was a $10 bill, no ones like I thought I had. Doh.

I went back toward Harleysville and stopped at the Clemens to get a tomato. The whole parkinglot stunk, I don’t know what the smell was, but by that time I was tired and crankie, and it was after 6. I got my tomato and drove home.

Luckily Michael had dinner just about ready when I arrived! Chicken kabobs with mushrooms, pineapple, red and green peppers, and mushrooms with rice. Mmmm.

I won’t stay up late tonight. And we’ll be gone most of the weekend for the opening of the Shamanism course. I’m really excited %D We have to be down in Malvern by 8:30 tomorrow morning, will have lunch there and be doing activities all day, finishing at 5pm. Sunday we’ll be there from 7:30 am until 4pm.

I think I’m gonna go rest now. *yawn*