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Sniffles and pharmacies

Tired today.

Around 3am last night I woke up sneezing. I got out of bed to blow my nose, and sneezed about a dozen times in the bathroom. This was weird, I have never had such a sneezing fit before. I tried going back to bed but kept having to blow my nose and I didn’t want to wake up Michael. So I curled up on the couch with my blanket, a glass of water, and the box of tissues. It spent about an hour relaxing on the couch, Caligula came up and joined me. I considered taking some Benadryl, but with it being so close to wake-up time I knew it would make things worse for my work day today. Around 4 I figured my nose had stopped running enough to sleep again, so I went back to bed. I didn’t sleep well, and I really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning.

Stupid allergies, they’ve never been this bad.

Which reminds me of pharmacies. For a while I didn’t have health insurance, and without health insurance prescription medication is outrageously expensive. So I shopped around for my medication, ended up going to Skippack Pharmacy. It was a bit out of the way, but I was supporting a local business and paying less.

Now I have prescription coverage in my health plan, so it doesn’t matter where I go. I fully intended to continue going to Skippack Pharmacy, fighting the traffic on 73 to get there. But I keep getting bad vibes from them. The last time I called to ask about a prescription, both women I spoke with were short with me, even though I was very nice. In the past I’ve been waited on by clerks who were taking a personal calls while ringing up my sale, or chattering with a co-worker the whole time. This sort of thing bugs me, and makes me feel like I’m wasting my time trying to support a local business if they’re going to treat their customers with such indifference.

I should just use the prescriptions by-mail program that is included with my insurance, then I wouldn’t need to leave the house at all (and buying 3 months at a time is slightly cheaper).

Now I’m going to the soda machine to get a Coke before I fall asleep.