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Assi Plaza and hanging out with friends

I don’t feel so good this morning.

My stomach has actually been doing really good these past few months, I think switching from regular milk to soy milk has helped a lot, and I’m not eating as much chocolate as I was this past winter. I wasn’t drinking beer and coffee for a while either.

But since Friday morning it’s been feeling bad on and off again. I guess I haven’t been very kind to it these past few days, I really have to be careful about that.

So today, unless I start feeling better, I’ll probably spend the most of day snuggled with some blankets and books. Mmmm.

Yesterday was fun though. We had planned on going down to South Street in Philadelphia, we were going to try to meet up with and . But while driving to the train station we realized that it was really freaking hot out. Walking in Philly is no fun when it’s humid and the temp is up in the 80s. But we were practically in Lansdale by then, so I suggested going to Assi Plaza – which Michael still hadn’t seen.

I wrote about this store in this entry. I certainly didn’t stress enough that this is a SUPERmarket, as all the comments on it from people were “oh yeah we have asian/int food markets here too.” Indeed, that’s the same thing Michael thought. But really, this is a supermarket, like any other big grocery store that you’d normally shop in, except it has different food. And dishes, and rice cookers, and a food court. So he was somewhat skeptical when we first went in.

I left him in the store for a few minutes when my cellphone rang and I had to edit our plans with for the day. When I came back he was all “THIS PLACE ROCKS!” And was excited as I was when I first went there. For real, this is a huge store and it rocks.

Mostly we just got aquainted with the store. Browsed the snack aisle, which is always fun. Picked up some Koala Cookies, Pocky, and Gummies. Got some wasabi mayonaise and wasabi paste, some Ginger salad dressing, a couple cans of canned coffee drink (and I discovered this morning that Michael drank mine!). We then walked into the food court and Michael said “Oh, we have to eat here.” We did, it was delicious, and I managed to eat noodles with chopsticks, yay me! But the food was spicy hot, and probably not the best thing for my stomach.

I think it’s safe to say that Assi Plaza will be a frequent shopping place for us now, even if it doesn’t have the most convenient location.

After lunch we drove down to and ‘s place. We got stuck in traffic on the Blue Route for over an hour. And arrived at their place around 3:30. Bae wasn’t feeling well, so we went to Ridley Creek State Park with just where there was some sort of Druid festival. Unfortunately the “festival” was quite small and seemed to be a group that knew each other, so rather than going to that we just went hiking on some of the trails in the park for about 45 minutes.

The hiking felt good, but it got tiring quickly because of how warm it was out. We left the park around 6.

We then headed to Media, where we stopped at the Harvest Books Outlet there – 5 minutes before closing, d’oh! I love that used bookstore, all the books are $2 or less, and when we have 45+ minutes to spend there I always leave with a bag or two full. This time we only had time to pick up one book.

After that we headed over to Iron Hill to have a couple beers and some appetizers (again, bad news for my stomach, I am so bad!). After that we went to Trader Joe’s, which Michael had never been in.

Man, I’m glad I don’t live in Media, that boostore, Iron Hill and Trader Joe’s are with
in 1000 feet of each other. Such temptation every day!

After Trader Joe’s we drove back to and ‘s place, where we settled down for a couple hours with a bag of cookies to watch the Evolution Smevolution episodes of The Daily show, they were great.

Arount 9:30 we went home. My stomach was hurting and I wanted to go to bed.

And now it’s today. We got our copy of Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide by Sandra Ingerman yesterday. It’s an excellent book, really gets straight to the meat of Shamanic Journeying, and answers a lot of questions. Of course Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner is THE CLASSIC in this field, but it’s nice to get descriptions on methods from different teachers. I managed to read half of Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide last night (it’s only 80 pages), and I’m really impressed, I’m gonna go finish reading it now. *Yawn*