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We’ve been busier than usual lately.

Tonight I think I’m going to finally take some time to clean the Rav4. Poor R4 hasn’t had a bath in over a month, and it’s been a few months since he’s been completely vacuumed and cleaned inside. It’ll be nice to do that while the weather is still nice.

Tomorrow we need to hit the grocery store, then relax for the rest of the evening!

Thursday (my birthday!) we’re going down to the Malvern Sweat Lodge to soak the skins for the drums we’re making and participate in a Shamanic Journey group.

Friday night we’re headed over to a show for Michael’s uncle, he’s a sculptor (website) and we’re excited to show up and show our support, his stuff is great.

Saturday we’re heading back down to Malvern for the actual building of the drums.

Sunday we are thinking about going to Assi plaza and getting fresh fish to make sushi at home. This will be my big birthday present! It should be fun. And if it doesn’t work out we’re going out for pizza. I win both ways! Mmm sushi…

I’d really like to see Corpse Bride and Serenity sometime soon, but I don’t see it happening for another few weeks, next Friday is most certainly reserved for Wallace and Gromit and more than one movie in a weekend is a bit much (especially for my wallet! Freaking $9-something per ticket…).