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Carrot Cake Examined

I love carrot cake. More than chocolate cake. More than pie, more than ice cream, more than brownies more than just about every dessert I’ve ever had, those few desserts that surpassed the carrot cake in deliciousness were exceptional occasions and not repeated.

I think just about everyone I know in real life knows I love carrot cake.

So guess what I’ve eaten every day since Sunday?

Carrot cake!

Birthday week is always the most yummie. Not only do I get my favorite cake, I get to try different kinds from different places. Sunday (and leftovers Monday) was a fairly basic cake from a grocery store, not terribly elaborate (baked in a bread pan), not too much frosting, but also not too many nuts. A pretty good cake! This was from Michael’s mother.

Tuesday at work they ordered a half chocolate and half carrot cake from Clemens. That carrot cake was really good, nicely decorated for the two of us in the office with September birthdays, lots of yummie cream cheese frosting – especially on the corner piece I got. I was forced to bring some home ;) so I’ll be enjoying some this evening as well.

But not all carrot cakes were created equal, and although I’ve never met one that I didn’t like, there are characteristics that make some yummier than others.

Carrot cake has some key tasty ingredients:

Cream Cheese frosting
(some even have raisins)

My favorite arrangement of these is:

Lots of carrotness
Not so much spiciness
coconuts rather than walnuts (This is difficult to find, I don’t actually like walnuts, but I can handle them in carrot cake)
Good amount of frosting, but not too much

And so, the top 3 carrot cakes in this area come from the following places:

Woodside Inn, Schwenksville – This is 2 miles from my house, they’re pricey and their dinners are nothing to write home about. But oh, my, god, the carrot cake there is the best ever! (chocolate cake is very very good as well) They meet all my perfect carrot cake requirements! They do make them special order for people to pick up, but I’ve never looked into it. I should, it would make the most perfect wedding cake.

Whole Foods Market, North Wales – They make the most amazing desserts, so when I’m done filling up my cart with whole grain pasta and healthy fake meat sausages I can splurge on dessert? I guess so! I convinced Michael to pick up a carrot cake from there once, and we’ve been hooked ever since. I’m happiest when we’re able to get our hands on one without a coating of walnuts on the frosting (that’s a bit much, I end up trying to take them of), but it’s always good stuff and the normal size is 10″ – good size for just two of us.

Dutch Oven Bakery, Limerick – This is a wonderful, dense cake. I couldn’t believe how heavy the box was when we bought one. But oh how yummie it is! I guess the density is the reason we generally don’t go with this cake, it’s so filling and not so good to bring home for just the two of us. We usually enjoy this with other carrot cake loving friends. Besides, if I go to this bakery for a carrot cake I know I’ll end up leaving with a few danishes and chocolate chip cookies too.

Nice, I just wrote a whole entry about cake. I’m such a girl.