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Birthday stuff

I had a good day yesterday.

When I came into work there was a confetti explosion on my desk, and my boss had left a card and a gift, aww! How sweet! The gift was a very nice cat picture frame (I have a half dozen pictures of Caligula hanging around my cubicle). I got cards from a few other co-workers, overwhelmingly cat-themed – oh dear, am I that cat lady? Another co-worker has a husband who works for one of the big pharmaceutical companies in the area and she’s always giving everyone company advertising stuff – pens, pads of paper, tissues, lotion and the most fun one yet, a pedometer! She gave me one of the pedometers because she “knows how much I like gadgets” *glee* She also gave me another picture frame (I’ll put a picture of Michael in that one) and a candle. So nice!

At lunch my boss took me and the other woman in our department out for lunch at Applebees to celebrate my birthday, it was yummy.

After work Michael made dinner and then we headed down to Malvern for the Shamanic drum circle. On the way down we stopped for gas and I got out of the car to pull a leaf out that was stuck to a windshield wiper since we left the house. For some reason I didn’t just toss it aside, I kept it and decided to bring it with us to Malvern.

The drum circle was interesting, there were a lot of new people, and only 4 of us were there because we needed to do the drum making too. I had a nice time, when we finally got to pick out the elk skins for our drums it was about 9pm, we put them all in a large bucket of water and them Jim asked if we had any herbs or anything we wanted to put in. We didn’t have anything… except that leaf! So I went to the car and looked on the ground to find where I had tossed that leaf, I found it and put it in the water with the drum skins.

We got home around 10pm. I was tired, but took a few minutes to check my email and drop into IRC. I went to bed soon after.

I’m still tired. This morning I didn’t want to get out of bed, less than usual sleep and the fact that it was so cold outside of the snuggly covers of the bed made getting up difficult. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about the cold, it’s a very refreshing feeling after this summer. It just makes getting out of bed much less appealing. And it was colder than I thought, 41F outside when I got up, and we had the windows open! No wonder Caligula invaded our bed last night! (Wow, “Caligula invaded our bed” sounds really freaky o_o we’ll have to name our next cat “Fluffy” or something with less perverted associations).

And now it’s Friday. I’m wearing the pedometer, it’s fun, counting all my steps. The only problem is that it talks o_o Talks when I set it, talks if I hit a button on the side. I’ve managed to hit it twice today, d’oh. But so far I’ve walked .79 mile, woo! I can see this silly thing becoming quite an addiction – creating websites! graphs! fun statistics about how much I walk on workdays and weekends! Or, more likely, the novelty will wear off by tomorrow and I’ll let it die.

It’s beautiful out, I’m going for a walk now.

[EDIT] Of course I go for said walk, it’s so nice out, and the pedometer falls off and hits the ground. It didn’t hit that hard, I don’t think much of it, put it back on. About 20 minutes later I look at it and realize it hasn’t changed at all. It’s broken! Arrg! Stupid cheap thing! Oh well.