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The rest of the weekend

I didn’t mention it when I wrote my journal entry yesterday, but we did end up going to Michael’s uncle’s gallery opening on Friday in Quakertown. It was great, he’s an amazing sculptor, even offering classes in his workshop now. There was a squirrel sculpture that I was quite fond of, with a price tag of $225, considering it if no one else buys it, but there really are other things we should be spending our money on right now %) I met a few more of Michael’s relatives, and we left after about 45 minutes.

On the way home we picked up a spinach pizza from Moccias, and for the first time they screwed it up. I ordered a “spinach pizza” and I was confident that they’d know that was a white pizza, since it lists “spinach pizza” as a white pizza on their menu. Alas, someone in the chain of ordering and making our pizza must have been new or clueless and made it with red sauce. Yuck! I was pretty disappointed when we got home and opened the box. Luckily it wasn’t as bad as I expected, not nearly as bad as when other pizzerias have screwed up the same order in the same way.

We both went to bed fairly early that night, had to get up early for drum making!

Saturday was detailed in the last entry.

Sunday was our no plans day, good thing since I didn’t sleep well Saturday night. I spent the morning getting caught up on website stuff and email, it was a good feeling to get that out of the way, I got so behind on everything this week. I still haven’t touched mailing lists, some of which I haven’t had a chance to catch up on in 2+ weeks, but that’s ok.

Around 2pm we were showered and ready to leave the house. We went up to Collegeville to pick up some Sake in case we did decided to make our own sushi.

We then headed to Skippack to drop by Dreamcatcher to pick up some white sage, but when we got there they were having “Skippack Day.” This would have been fun, lots of shops having sales, lots of tents on the road selling all sorts of neat things, but there were just too many people, it would have been difficult to get a parking space without paying for one (paying for parking in Skippack? madness!).

So we drove past that all and headed to the North Wales Whole Foods market. Mmm Whole Foods. We got a bunch of stuff we needed, they even had small bundles of white sage. And my carrot cake, yum!

And then it was off to Assi Plaza to check out fish for the sushi possibility. Unfortunately this didn’t quite work out. I think we need to do some more research before doing the sushi at home thing. We’re familiar with what sushi fishes are eaten cooked and what ones are raw, but nothing was coming together for us while we were at the store. I’d rather have things feel right and make sure we’re doing the right thing before we eat raw animals.

By the time we left Assi Plaza I was feeling tired. Michael suggested a few places we could go to eat out, but I just wanted to go home. This is very strange for me, I love eating out. When we got home Michael suggested getting a chicken cheesesteak stromboli. Yeah! So he went out and got one from Chiaros in Green Lane. It was a good dinner, we watched some MST3K while eating and spent the rest of the evening relaxing, and eating carrot cake.

Great weekend. Tonight we’re planning on going to the all genders sweat lodge, perhaps we’ll bring our new drums.