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WnG & related website stats

I had such a great time last night.

It’s always hard to see a movie after you’ve built up these fantastic expectations for it over multiple years, but I have to say that Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit didn’t disappoint! I’ll get around to writing a more in-depth review tomorrow.

We met , , and at the theater for the 7:40 showing. We wanted to avoid kids, but also couldn’t stay out too late because we’re going to our shaman class today and had to be up early. Alas, we didn’t avoid the kids, but they weren’t that bad, and the movie was generally loud enough to drown out the occasional screams.

I’m happy.

And the traffic on WallaceAndGromit.net has now surpassed that of PrincessLeia.com, yowza!

In the past week the Total Hits (every page that was visited, not unique visitors):

PrincessLeia.com: 46,296

WallaceAndGromit.net: 48,876

Wow! I visited my sites from work, and they seem to be handling the load, not too slow, but I haven’t seen them at their peak (WallaceAndGromit.net had 984 hits in a single hour during it’s peak this week).

This is so cool.