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The weekend, the west wing and halloween party?

I had a nice weekend.

Saturday morning I spent getting caught up with email and my website stuff. Around noon I gave my friend Nita a call to see if she wanted to hang out, it had been a while and we’ve both had a rough month.

Nita picked me up around 1 and we planned to go to the flea market in Limerick, but found it closed for renovations when we arrived. Instead we decided to go down to Skippack to just walk around and do some window shopping. I’d been meaning to do this with Michael, but it never worked out. At least this way I could go into all the “cute” stores and weed out the ones Michael won’t be interested when we do manage to get there.

We had a nice time. One of the best stores there is Le Butler’s Pantry: Gourmet Kitchen Shop, the prices are quite reasonable and the quality is high, and they have so much stuff. No more going to Target or emptying my wallet at expensive cookware stores! They even offer a bridal registry, which would be tempting if more of my friends and family were local ;) Nita, the sweetheart she is, even bought a couple things for my house as “housewarming gifts”! One of the items being an ice cube tray that makes ice cubes shaped like penguins (ice cubes? Those are for jello shots!). We also stopped by a “pet bakery” where I got a catnip pizzelle for Caligula, which he enjoyed. There was also a “Southwest Trading Post” store that I didn’t know about previously that carries a lot of native american jewelery, pottery, and carvings, very nice stuff and more reasonably priced than at similar stores in New Hope.

Nita had plans for the evening, so we stopped by my house for a bit and she left around 5.

That evening we had , and over for a Saturday Movie Night. It was great, we hadn’t seen them in a while. I had planned on not drinking, but Michael kept bugging me about getting a case of beer, and then Bae asked if we had vodka, and my resistance to getting booze dropped – Michael and Mike went for a liquor, beer and pizza run.

Most of the evening we spent just talking, which was good, always my favorite part of movie nights. little after 10 we all piled into the TV room and watched History of the World: Part 1, which most of us had never seen. Funny stuff, Mel Brooks is something else. Just before midnight Michael went upstairs to get ready for his radio show and not too long after everyone decided to get going. I managed to get to bed by around 1AM.

Sunday morning I got up reasonably early and spent the morning working on my websites and catching up with more emails. I managed to catch up on a lot of mailing lists I’m on, yay! I should really consider subscribing to fewer, I just don’t have the time for them anymore.

Michael had planned on going to a Ham (Radio) Fest with some friends of his, but wasn’t feeling well. At first he thought it was a hangover, but as the day progressed it was pretty clear it was some sort of stomach bug, complete with upset stomach, fever and aches. Around noon I headed over to and place to check on their cats (they are so cute!). When I came home I made some lunch for Michael, but his stomach was very unhappy and I ended up running up to the grocery store for chicken soup, crackers and ginger ale. Poor myn! We spent the afternoon and most of the evening covered in blankets and watching MST3K.

At 8PM we watched The West Wing, as usual. It’s one of the only shows we watch, and used to be really good, but since that new guy took over the show it’s only been “decent” and this stupid election has gone on for almost an entire season! Seriously, the last thing I wanted after the 2004 election is to watch a fake one for 10 months. And it’s so drawn out, and so much nothing happens during campaign episodes, I swore I’d stop watching it entirely if last night’s episode was another “nothing” one – but during the last 5 minutes there was “something” and I conceded that I’d keep watching it.

And now I’m b
ack at work on this beautiful October Monday. I wasn’t looking forward to coming back, but as I walked across the parking lot this morning I had to smile at the lovely weather and pretty trees, and somehow it wasn’t so bad afterall.

I can’t believe it’s October 17th already. We should get some pumpkins! When Bae was over she asked if we were planning on having a Halloween party this year, and I had to confess I didn’t have a “plan” for one, but maybe we should. Is there any interest in an October 29th (Saturday) get-together? Perhaps a LAN party? If we want to do this I’ll have to decide soon, Halloween is a big party holiday and I’m sure most people have other plans already or will very soon.