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Costume ordering

On Monday evening I started looking for a Halloween costume. I’ve been a witch for halloween for like 6 years, so I figured it was time for a fun change.

I started out at disneystore.com – the costumes there were way discounted and I want to be a princess! ;) I started looking at Sally costumes (Nightmare Before Christmas). They didn’t have my size, so pointed me to buycostumes.com, which had some neat costumes. I contemplated getting a Sally costume, but it just wouldn’t be the same without a Jack, and the Jack costumes are pretty awful. So I browsed the site for a bit and naturally ended up in the Star Wars costume section.

That’s when it hit me.

I’ve never been Leia for Halloween!

BuyCostumes.com didn’t have the Leia costumes in stock, so I googled a bit, was very disappointed with the quality of costume sites. I ended up at starwars.com.

I figured starwars.com would be a good place to buy from, no worries about the site being a fraud or scary forms, that’s worth the extra couple of bucks I’ll pay for it. The normal ground shipping is supposed to ship within 48 hours and from there it takes up to 8 business days if you’re on the east coast. Great! That’s enough time to get it by the 29th. I placed my order for the Leia Costume.

I still hadn’t gotten the shipping confirm by Thursday morning, I started getting worried that they were being lazy and wouldn’t get around to shipping it until too late and then I wouldn’t get it in time! So I emailed them to see if I could change the shipping terms. The first email I got back didn’t answer my question, it was really lame, I was upset. The second email said: “Unfortunately we are unable to make any changes to your order as it is already processing. If you do not want this item please leave a note for Fedex saying that you refuse all items from Lucasfilm.” Damn. Perhaps I should consider alternatives in case it doesn’t arrive on time?

This morning I finally got the FedEx order tracking number, and guess what?

Estimated delivery Oct 26, 2005


I love getting myself worked up over nothing.