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Wedding Ideas – part 1 of 3243242

The meeting Monday evening with the second minister on our list went quite well. We were a bit unsure at the beginning when she pulled out her wedding planning binder (we’re just here to talk!), but as we spoke with her it became clear that she had some really great ideas and knew what she was talking about.

Deciding is going to be tough, but I’m very pleased that it’s tough because there are such good candidates rather than our previous worry of not having any that would work out.

There are so many other things we need to begin thinking about. Location is a big one, we wanted to do it at The Castle, but for such a small wedding paying so much for a location might not be the best choice. Michael is going to give them a call this week anyway to discuss what would be included. If we don’t do it there I really don’t know where we’ll do it. We’re planning on a fall wedding, and want it to be outside (with the option of a nice place inside if it rains). Again, we need to decide soon so we can get things rolling.

I thought deciding on the music for the ceremony would be difficult and that I’d mostly leave it to Michael since that’s his thing. But after leaving the meeting on Monday I realized that Jonn Serrie’s Spirit Keepers would be perfect. The site describes it as “a musical offering that combines the ethereal world of space music with ancient Native American tribal music” and it’s very good. Upon mentioning it to Michael he agreed, and said that it was on his mind as well. One decision made! Yay!

We grabbed dinner on our way back from the meeting and discussed some other things. An important one was what we’ll wear. I had started looking at the “traditional white wedding dresses” but nothing was jumping out at me the way wedding dresses from India did. I remember the first time I saw a picture of an Indian wedding, the bride was wearing the most amazing red dress – she was absolutely stunning!

That’s what I want. Weddings are about vibrancy and the beginning of a new life together, the traditional style white dress just doesn’t do it for me. Besides, we’re already taking wedding rituals from Europe and North America, why not reach around to Asia as well?

Just a quick google search for such dresses brings me here where I get to say “OMG SO PRETTY OMG SO PRETTY!” I’d like to find a local place that sells these.