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Everyday stuff

Yesterday we spent most of the day on the yard. Mulching leaves, pulling up the dead things in my gardens, cleaning gutters. I was out there from about 11:30AM-4PM.

The evening was spent paying bills and doing laundry. Just all around catching up on things. Probably should have done cleaning of the house, I completely forgot that Michael’s grandparents are coming over to see the house for the first time tomorrow, and I won’t be home until late tonight!

In the late evening I pulled out my knitting stuff. It’s getting to be that time of year when snuggling in a blanket with a couple knitting needles and the TV on is a good thing. I hadn’t picked up my needles in months, and got out my notes to make sure I remembered how, but apparently it’s something you don’t forget, once I got the yarn on the needles I didn’t have a problem. Michael made steak for dinner, and a loaf of cornbread from scratch! He’s really getting into this cooking thing.

We went to bed pretty early.

This morning I woke up with a pretty bad headache. I stumbled out of bed a little after 6AM to take some Advil and drink a glass of water, then went back to bed. Around 7 Michael brought me a piece of his freshly baked white bread, which came out PERFECT and is very yummie. By about 7:45 my headache was gone enough so that I could get out of bed and shower. I called my boss to tell her I’d be late, and didn’t leave the house until 8:30.

So now I’m having lunch. The morning dragged by, but I’m not the only one here having a rough morning. I’m staying until 6 this evening to make up for getting in late this morning, and it’ll work out nicely for getting to the MontcoLUG meeting around 6:30-7. I haven’t a clue what the turnout will be like for this meeting.