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3 Days, 3 Breweries

I had planned on crashing when I got home last night, but when I pulled into the driveway there was a Prius there. Azi hadn’t left yet!

When I walked into the house the entire place smelled of hops, they had spent part of the afternoon home brewing the HopDevil clone that we got the ingredients for this past weekend.

“Want to go to Victory Brewpub tonight?” Michael asked.

Ignoring my exhaustion again I replied, “YEAH!”

Azi enjoyed Victory beer, but had never been to the brewpub.

Then I realized this would be the 3rd brewery we’d been to in 3 days. Crabby Larry’s in Chalfont Saturday, Independence Brewpub in Philadelphia Sunday and now Victory in Downingtown. Sheesh. To my defense I didn’t drink beer while at Independence (but that’s only because they were out of the pale ale).

So we made the trek down to Victory.

Azi was adventurous with his beer selections, but they were all good. I started off with a HopDevil (always extra yummy on tap), and then went I ahead and pretended I didn’t need to go to work today and got a 750ml bottle of V12, their 12% alcohol belgian style ale. The food was good, the beer was good, the conversation was good, the service was good, but they had terrible live “entertainment.” Can’t have it all, I guess. We spent about 2 hours there, and I successfully finished my bottle of V12 and could still walk.

We tied up our meal by ordering Victory Growlers to take home, Azi got 2. So we walked out of there with 2 gallons of beer. Woo! I took pictures of all this beer, but was too tired this morning to bother with getting the pictures off the camera.

When we got home I drank a bunch of water and we all sat down to watch the MST3K Prince of Space episode. I promptly fell asleep. I think it was about 12:30AM when I finally went to bed.

I feel surprisingly good today, just a bit tired and hungry. This evening we need to go grocery shopping, bleh.