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PLUG Meeting

This morning around 5:30, Caligula meowed in my face. I got out of bed, gave him food and water and went back to bed. That cat sure has me trained well.

At 6 the alarm went off, I got up and turned it off.

The next time I woke up it was very bright out, I looked at the clock, 7:17. Eek!

This is why my bedtime is 10PM, I didn’t get home from the PLUG Meeting last night until about 12:30. But I’d say it was worth the sleep loss. Thank goodness for coffee.

I left work at the normal time, met in Conshohocken after getting slightly lost (because I’m so good at getting lost). I left my car in a business park and drove us down into the city.

The talk was given by Mark Jason Dominus on Classic Unix Security Problems (slides here). Of the half dozen or so PLUG meetings I’ve ever attended this was the best. MJD is a great presenter, I already knew a lot about everything he was talking about (which surprised me, since I thought I was a total security n00b), but he made it very easy to pick up the things I didn’t get before the talk. And he’s funny, which always adds to a talk. I just wish the talk had been longer %)

After the talk, we all walked over to The Best House, the default “after PLUG meeting place.” I got to talk with a few people, met a co-worker of ‘s and we ended up staying until after 11 just chatting with Walt Mankowski (waltman) and Chris Fernley. It was a good night.

By the time I got home Michael was already in bed, Caligula was also sleeping somewhere, I didn’t bother looking for him, just brushed my teeth and went to bed.