You know what I love?
You know what I love more?
Snow that closes the office!


After all the talk yesterday about how they never close the office due to snow I didn’t expect this.
I called the Inclement Weather Hotline at work this morning when I got up at 6:15 – they claim to update this 2 hours before the office opens, and the office opens at 8:15. The message was “We are operating under normal business hours.” Sheesh – not even a delay? Is the snow just much worse at my house?
I had good intentions, I showered and dressed. Then looked outside and said “NO FUCKING WAY!” They hadn’t even plowed our street. I called the Weather Hotline again. This time it was: “You’ve reached $company, today is January 10th.” Eh? It’s BROKEN!
So I called back 10 minutes later, “Today is December 9th, 2005. Due to inclement weather, the office will be closed today.”
Gosh, what am I going to do with myself all day? %)[/lj-cut]