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Local Lambic

After the utter laziness that characterized Friday, Michael and I got around to doing some cleaning yesterday.

Later in the day, Michael made reservations at General Lafayette Inn & Brewery – another brewery that we found in Lew Bryson’s Pennsylvania Breweries: 3rd Edition.

I looked up the website on Friday and was very excited to go, they brew a lambic!

Lafayette’s Bière de Framboises
Our most anticipated specialty brew is back. Sour, dry, wine-like Belgian-style Ale made with 460 pounds of whole raspberries and a lactic fermentation. Six months in the making, this bright red brew has a quenching finish. $6.00, served in a wine glass only. 7.0% ABV, 12 IBU

I was surprised at the high alcohol content, the Lindemans is only around 4%. We also thought that the IBU was sort of high, but apparently 11-23 is the standard range for a lambic.

We met up with Bob and Julie (a friend of Michael’s from work) around 6.

The lambic was great. Quite bitter compared to the raspberry lambic from Lindemans, but that’s great for me, since I think the Lindemans is too sweet ;) Gosh I love lambics, I need to talk Michael into helping me brew one this winter, there are some lambic recipes online, but not many people make them. I can become the Lambic Master!

Oh, the food at General Lafayette Inn & Brewery was great too. We enjoyed a nice cheese plate appetizer (cheese, meats, fruit…), then Michael got a steak and I got the salmon – amazing salmon, cooked perfectly. For dessert I enjoyed some of their chocolate mousse cake – yum yum! Couldn’t finish it all.

After dinner I was exhausted, I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep Friday night and it was really catching up to me. Michael wanted to try another beer after dinner, so we all headed to the bar for some drinks. I didn’t have more drinks, I kept my nose in a copy of the latest Ale Street News and tried not to fall asleep.

Today I don’t have plans, yay!

Oh, and it is somewhat exciting to note that a new irssi version was released today – along with a new website! Of course I won’t be upgrading until etch does, but the new website is nice to look at.