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Maine Vacation Part 2

It’s been a relaxing couple of days. Yesterday we thought about going to Freeport to do some more shopping, but instead decided to stay in. Michael and Bob spent the afternoon installing Debian on a computer with a fussy SCSI setup. I spent the afternoon reading journals, then went off to a quiet place and finished Transmission by Hari Kunzru, which was quite enjoyable.

In the evening we headed out to a Maurice Restaurant Francais in South Paris (Maine, ahahaha!) with Morgana and Bob. I ordered the Le Scampi a la Hollandaise (Shrimp & crab sauteed in butter, herbs and garlic w/ a Hollandaise sauce) and Michael got one of the steaks. It was a delicious meal!

When we got back to Bob and Morgana’s place we poured some wine and sat down to watch The Brothers Grimm, which wasn’t as bad as I expected, often amusing, and about halfway through I fell asleep. I don’t blame the movie, I think it was the wine. When the credits rolled Michael woke me up and I went to bed, apparently he stayed up with Morgana and watched some swedish movie.

Today was another lazy day! [lj-cut]The only thing I did was go out with Michael and Bob to a local computer shop (which was in a house, he’s a local guy who mostly spends time fixing harddrives and clearing off viruses for people in the area – ah Maine!) and then to the grocery store, it was so great to see wine and liquor in a grocery store again. When we got back here we ate some lunch (leftovers from Maurice’s, yum!) and then I ran off to find a quiet spot to read while Michael and Bob hung out. I started reading Tea with the Black Dragon by R. A. MacAvoy, which is turning out to be a delightful read.

Now I’m sitting at the computer again, just chatted with about the weather. It’s supposed to snow tomorrow and tomorrow is when we’re driving home, oops! We’ll see how the weather is in the morning, it shouldn’t be too bad, but we might need to alter our route so that we don’t take the scenic route through the mountains of PA.

It smells so good in here, Morgana’s cooking some steaks for dinner, and a bit later Michael’s gonna help out with making guacamole yay! We’ll be celebrating the new year with good food, good friends and good beer wine and liquor!

Happy 2006 everyone![/lj-cut]