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New Years Eve

New years eve was fun. For dinner we had really great steak, like, I-can’t-believe-this-was-purchased-from-a-grocery-store great with a bit of red wine.

I pretty much wimped out when it came to drinking, had a couple bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and then switched mostly to water. Vacations always mess up my hydration schedule and I always end up dehydrated, no fun when you want to enjoy a night of drinks.

I helped Morgana prepare some amazing guacamole, which I got the recipe for and will certainly be making for in the near future. The recipe insists that freshness is the key, and I’m inclined to believe since this is the best guacamole I’ve ever had. We also had shrimp, carrots and celery w/ dip, and of course a little swedish treat of sill (herring) and a shot of Aquavit. We spent the evening watching BBC America’s New Year’s Eve binge of Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

Around 11PM Morgana made some swedish cinnamon buns, which are not glazed, instead they’re topped with a crushed pearl sugar (looks like the big salt used on soft pretzels). These cinnamon buns were delicious! We enjoyed them in the last few minutes of 2005. At midnight the champagne was opened and we each had a glass and stayed up talking until around 1:30 when I had to hit the sack.

And now it’s Sunday morning. The plan had been to leave early this morning, but that didn’t happen (big surprise, who plans on leaving for somewhere New Years morning?). We figured we’d stay for a bit to avoid the snow and just get home late. Hopefully we’ll be leaving soon, I really want to get home today and have a day to recover before going back to work.