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Day Eleven of Eleven

Today was the last day of my 11 day vacation.

I took a picture of the Toggle Coat I got from L.L. Bean.

Lyz in Toggle Coat

It’s such a nice coat, I’m glad we bought it.

Yesterday we didn’t end up leaving Bob and Morgana’s until around 4PM. The drive home was uneventful, the only falling snow we encountered was around Albany (ah New York!). We got home shortly before 2AM this morning.

Michael had to leave for work at 8 this morning. I got up as soon as he left to start emptying suitcases and things. I also enjoyed one of Morgana’s cinnamon buns, she forced us to take a few home with us %)

Morgana's Cinnamon Buns

I spent the better part of the morning doing laundry (still one more load in the dryer) and took down the Christmas tree. As is his usual routine, Michael worked a half day in the office and then came home to work from here, on his way he picked up Caligula from his mother’s house. Shortly after he came home I left to go to the mall and grocery store. It was raining so apparently half the Philadelphia area also thought it would be a good day to go to the mall, yuck. I picked up the things I needed at the mall, was unable to find a reasonably priced food processor, so I hopped over to Target. Ended up getting a Black & Decker: Textured Series 500 Watt Food Processor, we’ll see how well it works later this week and I attempt to make guacamole. I got home from all the errands around 5, made dinner while Michael learned how to use the bread maker – we shall see around 8PM how successful the first bread making attempt was.

Food processors and bread makers, boy I’m an exciting chick!

I’m now going to go downstairs and get my pajamas on, will probably just veg out to some Red Dwarf and snuggle with Michael for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow it’s back to work, and I’m ok with that, this vacation was wonderfully refreshing.