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This week

It’s been a fairly unremarkable week, but I will make an attempt to remark on it.

Recovering from vacation is tough %) My sleep schedule didn’t get as messed up as it usually gets on week-long vacations, but I do feel it. Mmm coffee.

I did some organizing for the upcoming MontcoLUG meeting, we’re going to try and hold it at the home of one of the LUG members and see how that goes. I am cautious about holding such things at personal residences as I know that can be a deterrent to attendence, but I figured it was worth a shot. I’ve met this guy who is hosting and am pretty sure he’s not a serial killer.

Evenings have been spent catching up on house stuff and things. Work has been busy and exhausting but good.

Tonight Michael is going to the men’s sweat in Malvern and I’m going to have some friends over. I purchased the ingredients for the guacamole we had at Morgana’s and I’ll be making that up with the shiney new food processor. Bob said he might swing by with beer and Firefly episodes, which would be nice.

And a side note about the guacamole – I learned this week that Coriander and Cilantro are the same plant (see here). I knew what the Coriander plant looked like when I went to the grocery store, bought Cilantro and got home to look at the recipe to find it wanted “Fresh Coriander” – damn, I got the wrong thing! I intended to go to another grocery store during lunch today to see if I could find some Coriander, and hit the internet beforehand to double-check what it looked like and the google images search led me to my discovery. Gosh, I’m such a cooking n00b.

Saturday I hope to finish catching up with everything on my plate. I need to do the budget for 2006, file away the 2005 stuff, update my resume, work on a proposal for some possible contract work… Next week should be much calmer *knocks on wood*