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Guacamole and the weekend

Movie night went well, the usual crowd was there, the guacamole I made went over very well – it was gone before I knew it!

2 Tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped
1 1/2 Tablespoons white onion, chopped
1 large or 2 small Jalapeno peppers, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
2 large, ripe avacados (about 1 1/4 pounds)
1 lime
1/2 cup chopped tomatos

Using the food processor, mix cilantro, onion, chilies and salt until they form a paste.
Cut avocados in half, remove pits, and scoop out flesh into food processor.
Cut limes in half, squeeze juice into food processor.
Mix/chop with food processor until it looks like guacamole!
Put guacamole into bowl and add chopped tomatos with spoon.

Yum yum. As usual we also ordered pizza and picked up a 6-pack of Yuegling Black & Tan, which I was skeptical of but it turned out to be a pretty good beer. Bob brought Firefly so we spent the evening watching that. Shortly after midnight Bob had to head out, we spent the rest of the night (until almost 4am!) just talking.

I was sick yesterday. Coughing, congested, stomach hurting, sore and tired. I slept in until 11:30, got up and had a sandwich, went back to bed and slept until 4:30. This is most unusual for me. When I finally got up and took a shower I felt better, and since Michael had spent the day cleaning while I was in bed we decided to go out to dinner.

We went to dinner at Sly Fox in Royersford. I skipped on the beer, Michael got the very hoppy Odessy Imperial IPA and actually said “This borders on being too hoppy” – which is something I never thought I’d hear him say ;) So not to miss out on beer consumption just because I wasn’t feeling 100% I ordered a growler of their Route 113 IPA to take home.

Behold, the cutest growler ever:

Sly Fox Growler

I still felt tired last night, ended up not getting anything useful done on my computer and went downstairs around 10 to watch The Great Escape (1963) on WLVT. I’d never seen it before, good movie. I was most pleased with the fact that they didn’t feel the need to always show the gruesome scenes of people being killed. Of course it’s a war movie, but so much of what I see produced these days goes for a shock factor and it’s rather tasteless and desensitizing. Of course you could argue that all war movies should be tasteless and desensitizing because wars themselves are, but I wouldn’t agree with you %)

Today I am feeling much better, going to try and do all that stuff I said I was supposed to do yesterday.