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4:20 – Wake up with bloody nose, creates headache
5:20 – Cat wakes me up to feed him, I take advil
6:00 – Alarm goes off and Michael gets up
6:50 – Michael comes in room and asks if I’m OK, “I’m fine, bloody nose make head ache”
7:25 – Normal time for me to leave for work, instead I’m calling my boss saying I’ll be late
8:30 – Head still pounding, take advil, go back to bed
9:25 – Head not feeling quite so bad, shower
10:00 – Leave home for work
10:30 – Get to work over 2 hours late
11:30 – Boss returns from meeting and tells me about how she was in bed all day Saturday with a cold (“oh really, you too?”)

What a delightful way to begin my week.

At least I feel better now.