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Sunday – laptop, Bleak House…

Yesterday I mostly just chilled out in front of the fireplace with my laptop.

I tested the battery life, it lasts just under 3 hours. I learned the hard way that suspend isn’t working properly, I closed the lid and when I opened it again all I had was a blinking cursor. Oops. If I alt+f1 I could see a virtual terminal for a second, could even navigate my way to the X sesson, but it always brought me right back to the blinking cursor before I could do anything. I did some searching of ubuntu forums for his behavior, but all I’ve found so far is “suspend works for me!” I checked the BIOS settings, and as far as I can tell it’s all set up properly, I’m sure it’s an OS thing. I’ll poke around when I’m in the mood again, for now I just leave it open when it’s running. Everything else on the laptop is working great.

In the evening Michael and I headed out to Sly Fox for dinner. It was delicious.

We got home and watched The West Wing, which wasn’t bad this week. I thought “Hey, maybe it’s getting better!” but then learned today they announced it’s being canceled after this season. D’oh. I guess I’m not that sad about it’s demise, the show had a good run.

Then we watched the first segment of Bleak House by Charles Dickens on Masterpiece Theater. We don’t usually watch Masterpiece Theater, but I read an article yesterday afternoon about the production of it and was interested. In all, the miniseries is 12 hours long, 2 hours per Sunday for 6 weeks, and they claim to have cut very little from the book but I haven’t read it so I wouldn’t know. It started off slow, with many complex characters to introduce, but after the first hour I found myself really getting into it. Gillian Anderson plays a great role, she might come off as a complete airhead in interviews, but I’ve always enjoyed her as an actress.