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Busy Week

It’s been a busy week. Lots of new projects at work, things to attend in the evenings. I just got showered and am now waiting for a guy from the oil company to swing by and do the annual inspection and cleaning of our oil boiler. At 9 this morning I have to leave for a doctors appointment, which will hopefully wrap up in a timely manner so I can get to work before noon.

On Valentine’s day we broke out 4 year tradition of getting sushi and Michael took me out to the General Layfayette Inn and Brewery. I was able to leave work at 4:30 that afternoon to get home by 5 and have “plenty of time to make it for our 6PM reservations.” But, as I’ve encountered in the past, Germantown Pike between Norristown and Conshohocken was like a parking lot, and it ended up taking over an hour to get to the Inn, which made us late for our reservations. Once we were all settled in and the grumpiness from the drive up had dissipated, the dinner was amazing, they sure know how to cook fish. The beer was good too, but as Michael writes here a mixup caused the terrible result of enjoying a fabulous beer and then not knowing which beer it was, arg!

Traffic getting home wasn’t bad, and shortly after getting home I plopped down in the TV room and scooped up my laptop. On top of the laptop was a notebook of mine which Michael had written “I love you” – awww! I picked up the notebook to move it and Lo! There was a Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit DVD! YAY!!! I had asked for it but didn’t know he had actually found time to pick it up with all the work he’s been swamped with lately.

Last night we had our shaman class. My stomach was feeling a bit weird and I didn’t eat much of the yummie fish dinner that Michael made, but attending the shaman class is always a priority. I had a good time, and for a 3 hour session it sure gave me a lot to think about.

Tonight I probably have to work until 6. We don’t have any going out plans once I do get home, but there are a dozen things that I haven’t done that I would really like to. Balance the checkbook, put away laundry, resew some buttons, do email and journal stuff, redo my nails, work on the weather program that I never got to on Sunday… No doubt some of these things will pour over into Friday evening and the weekend, but I hate having things a mess like they are now and would like to get a majority completed.