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Attempting to get things done.. eventually

I intended on getting a lot done last night, but the appointment at the doctor had left me feeling pretty crappy and work made me even more tired (next time I schedule such an appointment I must take the whole day off!). When I got home Michael made dinner (which was great!) and cleaned up, folded laundry, and probably did a half dozen other things around the house that I was too busy snuggled on the couch with Caligula watching TV to notice. The laundry got put away, and while watching Wallace &Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit I was able to do some much needed sewing on of buttons. I didn’t check my email all evening (gasps!). Michael and I turned in early.

I got at 6AM this morning feeling much better and decided to tackle some of those things I didn’t get to last night. Checked and replied to some important emails, got the checkbook balanced and some paperwork done. Before I knew it I had to head out to work.

Tonight we’re hopefully having a few people over, we haven’t seen the normal movie night crew since came to visit a few weeks ago and I miss them :( I’m going to swing by the grocery store on the way home to pick up some of the greatest chocolate cookies on the planet and stuff to make guacamole.

3 more hours until weekend! Yippee!