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I used to love winter. All that darkness, the cold, the snugly feeling you have when you’re cooped up in the house for weeks.

But things have changed.

I had an excuse in 2004 for my winter being lousy – we were living with Michael’s mother until the house settlement, I had just started a challenging job that made me tired, and I was made wacky by a change in BC pills.

I had an excuse in 2005 for my winter being lousy – I was getting over the death of my father.

But this year? No excuse. In fact, this year is starting off great. I’m wondering if in 2004 and 2005 I was just looking for excuses for my winter seasonal weirdness. Now I’m learning that I’m just another one of those people who gets feeling all disconnected in the winter.

I want to go on walks during my lunch break and go home and play in my garden. One lesson I’ve learned from the class in Shamanism that Michael and I attend is that when one loses touch with the earth we don’t feel right. That’s an explanation that I can accept. When I was a kid when I was still outside all winter playing in the snow in my snow suit, I don’t go outside much in the winter as a grown-up.

I don’t think the solution is to move to a warmer place, there is something about the world when it snows that I’d miss greatly, and I can’t stand the heat. But I do need to find a solution.

Maybe start growing some plants indoors?

What do you do to stave off that disconnected feeling you get in the winter?