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Fortune cookie spam poetry and BitlBee

I spent all that time working on WP+LJ+Xanga stuff last night and forgot to eat dinner. Perhaps forgot is the wrong word, I didn’t eat anything yesterday until 3PM when I had some leftover pizza and just wasn’t hungry until after 9PM. I didn’t want to eat anything we had in the house, so I called up the Chinese place down the road and we ordered some late dinner.

After dinner I enjoyed the obligatory fortune cookie, and this was my fortune:

Fortune Cookie Spam Poetry

Say what?

Now, I’ve gotten spam on the back of my fortune before, but this is a whole new breed, this is spam poetry! It doesn’t make any sense!

This morning I got up and decided to finally tackle a little project I’d wanted to do for a while, making the BitlBee quickstart guide into a webpage. I love IRC, but reading the quickstart in IRC was always somewhat cumbersome to me. There used to be a page linked to the Bitlbee site that had a version of the guide, but that’s gone now. I got to work on it around 9:30. Michael woke up a little after 10 and made coffee, which is when I took a break to get a cup for myself. The coffee cup I used was one that I got from Michael’s mother and it has bees on it. Hmmm, bee coffee cup and bitlbee… I should use one of these bees on the site! So I took a picture of the cup and with some simple Gimp editing I created this bee for the site. Lovely! And then it was back to work formatting the guide. I finished up around 11:30 and how have this: Bitlbee Quickstart Guide (Online Edition) & Notes. Yay!

I have a few other things I want to work on today, and then around 4 we’re heading over to Bob’s place with a crockpot of beef stew. Bob “found” some Chimay in his apartment so I’m looking forward to enjoying some of that, should make for a nice evening.