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Week brain dump

First off, I mentioned a couple entries ago that we went to the gatherings concert in Philadelphia last Saturday night. If you’re interested in reading a more in depth description of the concert from a fellow who knows a hell of a lot about music, pop over to read asphalteden’s review. He attended the show and it was a small venue, we probably walked past each other some time that night but we didn’t meet up. D’oh. Luckily there is a Robert Rich Gatherings Concert in a few weeks that we’ll be attending and he’s thinking of showing up for, we can meet him then.

Work was busy and exhausting this week, but fantastically productive.

Monday night I locked myself upstairs to fix whatever went wrong with Debian on my primary workstation. I’m not sure exactly what happened with the xfree xorg thing, when I installed my machine it was using xfree, but after two hours of fighting with getting x running properly monday night I emerged running xorg. I’m very pleased to say that I didn’t ask anyone for help during that two hours and the machine is running perfectly again. Phew.

Tuesday night we brought Caligula to the vet. He really hates going to the vet, he hisses and growls more during the yearly vet exam than he does during the whole rest of the year. But I really like the Limerick Veterinary Hospital. They are very thorough, his doctor brought him the benadryl shot he needs before vaccinations without us having to ask. And even though he hissed and growled the entire time, he made it through the exam and is a healthy two year old kitty. We also got a 3 month supply of Frontline so we can bring him outside with us when we’re gardening without having to worry about fleas and ticks.

Wednesday we were going to go to the monthly all genders sweat lodge, but we were both pretty exhausted from work and needed a break, we went to Sly Fox instead.

Thursday and Friday evening turned out to be for catching up on my own projects I am working on. I got news from Google regarding Gmail for your domain. I applied to be a beta tester about a month ago with wallaceandgromit.net, just as a personal domain that would probably only have 1 user. By some stroke of good fortune my request was granted! Michael pointed the MX records for the domain at Google friday night and yesterday I was able to start using my new gmail for wallaceandgromit.net. So now I have elizabeth@wallaceandgromit.net powered by gmail. I gave michael an address too (mostly so he can check out the service) as well as a guy who emails me regularly to help out with finding Wallace and Gromit news. I’m looking forward to seeing what this service develops into, it’s not very customizable at the moment.

Yesterday the plan was to spend the day outside, but I only managed to spend about an hour out there with Caligula before it began to rain and I came inside. It cleared up later in the day and Bob dropped by so we could go out to dinner. He hadn’t been to Sly Fox yet, so we headed over there and chilled out at the bar for the evening. We had a nice time and learned about their growler club, you get a card and have it stamped each time you fill up the growler, when your stamp is full (8 growlers) you get a free one. Free beer! Hooray!

Now I need to get dressed and head outside to clean my car.