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Not dead

Wow, that was quite a lapse in posting. I had a nasty cold last week that made me exhausted and very much not in the mood to use my computer when I got home from work. The weather was pretty cold and rainy, plus the whole daylight savings time thing made getting out of bed on time difficult. I even ended up taking off for half a day on Tuesday.

The only day I went out last week was on Thursday night when I was feeling a bit stressed out. Michael came home and asked if I wanted to go to Sly Fox and I said that I wanted a vodka tonic. So we headed over to the Roadhouse Grill in Skippack and had a nice evening munching on pub food (they make a great little pepperoni and mushroom pizza), and I got my vodka tonic, and a pineapple martini… and a chocolate martini with dessert. On the way home from there we picked up a couple new movies, The Chronicles of Narina and Memoirs of a Geisha.

Friday night Michael went to the men’s sweat and I got myself a sub for dinner and sat down to watch some movies.

Saturday we went to the Shaman class which went well and brought up some interesting things about culture and heritage that I think I’m going to have to sit down and write a series of essays about sometime. That evening the final sniffles of the cold disappeared and I was feeling much better. We ended up going to dinner with a woman from the shaman class who is opening a frame shop in the next couple months and wanted to get some advice on her POS system and website development.

Sunday was sunny, but a bit chilly for doing work outside. In the afternoon we decided to drive up toward Lancaster to go to That Fish Place. It was a good day for it. We bought some fish and cat supplies, visited the reptile room, and then ventured into the fish area to pick out some fish to bring home. We picked up a few nice looking little fish (I’ll need to take pictures, perhaps update the fish site too, it’s so outdated). In the evening we ended up going over to Max & Ermas in Oaks for dinner.

And now it’s Monday, the weather is beautiful and I’m stuck in the windowless office. At least it’s only a 4 day work week, hooray for having Good Friday off.