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Robert Rich and hanging out with Nita

The Robert Rich concert last night was fantastic.

The plan was to head down with Bob, who showed up at our house around 5:30 so we could eat dinner. Unfortunately he got a call from work about 5 minutes before we were leaving and had to go in to work and couldn’t come to the concert with us *pouts*

Robert RichWe arrived in Philly around 7:20, found a parking space reasonably close to St. Mary’s, where the concert was being held. We got great seats right up front, the show started shortly after 8PM. Michael wrote about it here you should read it, he has lots of pictures and some video clips of the show taken with our digital camera.

The show lasted until after 11, but the time flew by, Robert Rich is great in concert, and I’d say was one of the best Gatherings concerts I’ve been to, certainly one of the most well-attended. We were able to pick up a couple of his more recent albums, Bestiary and Electric Ladder.

Today I met Nita at the King of Prussia Mall so I could do some clothes shopping. It was great to get together with her, I haven’t seen her at all since the last PLUG meeting we went to. I don’t much like clothes shopping (read: HATE HATE HATE), but it wasn’t such a bad experience going with her, I’ll have to make a habit of dragging her along on shopping trips. We got to talk a lot, which was great since I haven’t been very social lately. She helped me pick out some nice business casual shirts that I could wear to work, I swung by a music store and grabbed the March of the Penguins Score, which I’ve wanted for months. We also checked out a Sam Goody that was going out of business, everything was 90-95% off so I picked up the Doom movie score, figured if Clint Mansell let me down on this one it was OK, since I only paid $1.79 for it. We had lunch at TGI Fridays, talked about getting together for movie night sometime in the near future – of course she’s busy next weekend and I’m booked the weekend after that, d’oh! I headed home around 2.

An amusingly side note, she went to the Trenton Computer Festival yesterday, a festival that I just learned about Friday night when a friend I know from the irc-security list and subsequent channel on NightStar. While she was there she met some of the Princeton, NJ LUG people, and when she told them she was from the Philly LUG they asked if she knew me – I’M GEEK FAMOUS! Oh geez. Apparently it was the Debian mplayer How-To again. It’d be amusing to know someday how many people have used it over the years, several thousand certainly since I keep running into them. I’ll have to go to this TCF next year, I have discovered that several Philly people I know attend, and so I’d probably be able to hitch a ride with someone.

Tonight we’re headed over to Michael’s brother’s house for dinner, I should go get ready