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Stuff and gas prices

Work has been unusually quiet for month end, I know I’m going to get completely slammed on Friday with stuff to enter before the end of the month; no doubt it’ll be after 6 when I finally leave here tomorrow. And I haven’t been sleeping well this week, which doesn’t help me get through these long days. I hate weeks like this.

We don’t have plans for the weekend but the weather is supposed be very nice and we’ll probably spend most of it doing yard work. The lawn needs its first cutting of the year already and the gardens need attention.

Last night Michael was gone most of the evening, working late and then ate dinner out. I spent the evening doing updates on my computers and doing lots of little tasks that I’ve been meaning to get around to. I also took a break for a bit to do some house cleaning and laundry; it’s so much easier when no one else is around. In the late evening I watched a Nova Evolution special on the conservative Christians who reject evolution entirely and believe in literal six day creation. FSM represent.

Tonight we’re planning on heading down to a sweat in Malvern. I’m really looking forward to it, today is the perfect day for a sweat.

Gas prices are getting high again, over $3/gallon. I’ve had to adjust the budget, but it’s not exactly a lifestyle cramp, I think the worst part about it is hearing the constant chatter in the office about where you can get the cheapest gas. I wonder if this search for the cheapest gas around has something to do with our hunting instincts. I mean, paying 3 cents more per gallon when filling up the 12 gallon tank on your car will only cost you 36 cents more, it’s hardly worth waiting in line for gas (been to a Wawa station lately?) or dramatically altering your route home to go to some inconvenient station, let alone all the time you are spending at the water-cooler chatting about it (or time spent blabbering in a journal about it, d’oh). Then again, I tend to think the same thing about pinching pennies when it comes to grocery shopping, pouring over the fliers and going to 3 different grocery stores all over town to get the best deals isn’t exactly the way I like to spend my free time. I guess it’s a hobby.

I would love a nap right now.