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Yard work, beer, misc

Friday was month end at work, what a nightmare. It could have been greatly lessened if my co-workers had properly prepared me for it – “What? You haven’t sent an email to all the locations telling them it’s almost month end?!” …I didn’t know I was supposed to! So I spent the whole week helping everyone else out and was completely slammed on Friday. I stayed at work until 6PM. When I finally got home Michael took me out to Sly Fox where I enjoyed their Newport IPA and a Pastrami Reuben.

Saturday was a beautiful day. As expected I got Michael to haul out the lawn mower and get it started so I could mow the lawn. It’s a lawn mower that we got used after ours died unexpectedly late last season, and this was my first time using it. Our old one was a push mower, the kind I’ve always used, and after mowing our hilly yard I was pretty much useless for any other tasks that day. This new one is a self-propelled one, what a difference! I was able to finish the whole lawn in 2 hours and the only thing that ached were my thumbs from holding the handle that controls the propulsion.

Bleeding Hearts

After mowing the lawn Michael brought Caligula outside and we did a bunch of random yard work. I hopped online and learned that you’re supposed to get rid of the daffodil flower stalks once the flower has died, keeping just the green leaves of the plant exposed to feed the bulb all through the season. Similarly, it’s best to remove the heads of tulips when they are done blooming. I went through my garden flowers doing this, the garden looks great. And I was delighted to see my Bleeding Hearts plant in full bloom. Michael spent a bunch of time going through the mulch around the trees, in all I’d say it was a very productive yard day.

Michael made steak for dinner and afterwards I went up to the Magic Room to hide out and do some writing on my laptop. Oh, and tit turns out that wireless works up there.

<@pleia2> oh gosh, I sometimes wonder what color my hair is
<@pleia2> because I didn't have wireless in front of the house, I simply assumed I wouldn't have it all the way out here in the garage
<@pleia2> so I've been sitting here for about a half hour just chilling out and doing some writing on my laptop
<@pleia2> without thinking about it I used dict, got the word I needed spelled correctly, went back to my work HEY WAIT ASECOND I NEED INTERNET TO USE DICT
<@pleia2> wireless works fine up here, heh

Yay me.

Later in the evening Michael came out to the Magic Room and asked if I wanted to go out with him to Ortino’s Northside for a beer. The plan was to check out the Victory HopDevil on the handpump, but then I saw they had Allagash Tripel on tap! Michael got the hand pump HopDevil, so I was able to enjoy some of it’s tiny bubble goodness, but I really was into that Allagash Tripel. We hung out there for a couple hours, I had some very yummie carrot cake that went well with the Allagash Tripel. Oh, and there is a Belgian beer and exotice cheeses tasting going on there today that I’m not going to.. must resist… resisting….

Speaking of beer, the nugget hops have sprouted.

hops sprouting

This morning I got up around 7, caught up on email and got some work done on my primary workstation. There have been a lot of little things it’s been doing lately that are not fatal errors, but are annoying. Fixed some bootup errors, installed a new kernel, recompiled nvidia module against the new kernel, got alsa running (this wasn’t in the plan, but sound stopped working when I upgraded the kernel and I figured that fixing OSS again wasn’t worth it).

It’s another nice day, should be topping out in the mid 60s. I was thinking about washing the car today, but it might still be a bit chilly for that. For now I’m going to go find something to eat.