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My arms hurt. Michael and I met at the gym last night. I started off on the bike for 6 miles, then Michael showed me around some of the arm workout machines that he liked to use. I’m slightly less scared of all those crazy machines for exercising now ;) My arms sure did get a good workout.

We hit the hot tub, then I headed home to make dinner while Michael went to spend some time in the sauna and then planned on coming home after me. Unfortunately when I was driving home I got a call from him, telling me that someone had hit his car in the parking lot. You can read his entry about it here (photo). Long story short, the guy who hit him was still there and was really great about the whole thing. We sure lucked out.

It has shifted our schedules some though, I had to take about an hour off from work in the middle of the day today (in addition to a lunch break) to pick him up at the body shop after he dropped off the Civic. And of course Michael had to take a significant amout of time out of his day to deal with the insurance companies and such. Luckily Michael could work from home today and tomorrow, we’ll have to carpool on Monday, but it’s not such a horrible thing. The shop said his car would be ready by Tuesday, which is good, otherwise we would have had to consider getting a rental (it’s unclear whether the other insurance company would reimburse for it, and we’d rather not get one if we can survive without it anyway).

My sister Heather moved up to Canada last weekend, she’s now living in the house that her fiance bought a couple months ago. I got to talk to her tonight for the first time, and she seems to be settling in nicely, hopefully she’ll send me a picture of her house soon. I’m happy for her.

Now off to clean up my once again messy desk…