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Biking on the Perkiomen Trail

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Michael and I left home around 10AM to hit Tailwind Bicycle Shop in Schwenksville. They rented us a couple bikes, $15 each for the day and they weren’t the beat up sort of junkie bikes you might expect for rentals, they were new ones in the shop that they rent out. The Perkiomen Trail is right next to the bike shop, but we decided to head up to Green Lane and didn’t want to have to bike over Spring Mountain, so we put the bikes in the back of the Rav and started out at the Spring Mount Trail Head.

We rode from Spring Mount Trail Head all the way to Green Lane Park (map), a trek of about 5 miles. I felt pretty good after this, the trail had been pretty flat and the ride was fun. Then we started riding around Green Lane Park a bit, on hills and things and my right leg cramped up and we had to stop. After some relaxing by the lake we got back on the bikes and rode back to where we parked the truck in Spring Mount. I was pretty tired when this 10 miles was completed, so we headed home for some lunch.

After lunch I was still tired and a bit sore, but hey, it’s a day for biking! So we drove to the other side of Spring Mountain and hopped on our bikes for the 4 mile ride to Route 113. This ride was less flat than the one up to Green Lane, there were some steep hills and curvey parts of the trail to navigate. Luckily by this time I’d gotten a better handle on the gears of the bike so I didn’t have to walk the bike up any of the steep hills. During this part of the ride my shoulders really started to bother me, which seems to be a residual from the workout at the gym a couple days ago where I used free weights for the first time. I think the worst pain came from saddle soreness, ouch! We took a break when we got to 113 and sat on the bench, which actually felt comfortable, I really started dreading the bumps on the way back, and spent more time standing on the bike even with how tired my legs were getting.

We dropped the bikes off at the shop around 4:45. We then walked from the bike shop down the trail and approached Moccia’s Ice Cream Juction where I suggested we get some ice cream. A few minutes later we emerged from the shop, I had a chocolate raspberry chip scoop of ice cream on a waffle cone with sprinkles and Michael had a chocolate shake. They were delicious! We got back to the truck and got home shortly after 5. Once home I crashed on the couch, eventually made my way to the shower, and then put my pajamas on. Michael then suggested we go out for dinner, which would mean standing up again and getting dressed – hah! But I decided it was worth it, got dressed again, and we headed over to Ortino’s Northside, where I got a peach lambic and a nice pasta and seafood dinner. We got home from dinner and I got my pajamas on again and crashed on the couch, my whole body hurt! We watched a little TV and went to bed shortly before 10. In spite of my soreness it didn’t take me long to fall asleep.

All soreness aside, I had a great time. It was nice finally getting out there and riding the trail, I really pushed myself. While walking back to the truck with Michael, my ice cream in hand, I was really happy. We’re going to do it again, but hopefully I’ll be in better shape for it. I’ve only been going to the gym for a couple weeks, and a couple weeks of stationary bike rides at the gym, 5 miles at a time, doesn’t quite prepare you for an 18 mile trail bike ride.

And now we’re at this morning. I am very sore. It’s ok if I don’t move, sitting in this computer chair is comfy enough, but I am aware of the aches. I just went downstairs for a few minutes and I could barely walk. I think this means it’s a mandatory relaxation day, I want to be all healed up for our fun time in Rehoboth tomorrow with and . Of course Michael isn’t nearly as sore as I am, he’s going to the gym this morning and then plans on washing the car and cleaning the house. Yeah, I’ll help him out with the chores once I learn how to walk again.