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Visiting Rehoboth Beach

Yesterday we spent a fantastic day in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware with and . Michael wrote an entry about where we went, with pictures.

We had a few goals on our trip to Rehoboth:

1. Finally hang out with and on their turf (well sort of, they live in northern DE and Rehoboth is in southern), in the past they’ve always come up to PA.

2. Visit the Dogfish Head Brewery

3. Go to a day spa for some relaxing services.

4. See the ocean (ok, this was my goal, I am in love with the Atlantic and hadn’t seen it in a year)

All were acomplished and we had a great time. The forecast had been for an overcast and rainy day, but the sun came out and the temperature rose a bit to make for a nice afternoon, even if it did get a bit humid. We certainly picked the perfect day for going down, we didn’t hit any traffic and the boardwalk wasn’t crowded at all. Dogfish Head was a nice place, good food, great beer, but they didn’t have growlers! We settled for picking up a couple Dogfish Head hats at their merchandise shop.

Lyz and Kati
and playing in the ocean

A couple of rainbows we saw on our way home via Route 1 N, the second is a bit difficult to see in the photo, but it’s off to the left.