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Weekend stuff

I’m tired today. I slept enough, it’s probably just the weather, heat really takes it out of me.

Michael and I went out for dinner Thursday night and I suggested we check out the new Skippack Ale House on Route 73. It use to be Samuel Eatons, and I went there with a few months back and was terribly disappointed at just about all aspects of the place (food, beer selection, service, atmosphere…). I hoped that the name change meant new management and a better beer selection, but that wasn’t the case. When we sat down we were waited on by a young man, we asked to see a beer list and he said they didn’t have one and then rattled off the mediocre collection of beers they had on tap – it wasn’t as bad as the usual Coors and Budweiser list, but it wasn’t terribly impressive either. We asked about bottles and he replied “We everything in bottles.” Oh really? Everything? BWAHAHAHA! We decided not to embarrass him or ourselves any more and scooted out the door when he left the dining room. We enjoyed a nice dinner at the Roadhouse Grille instead.

The weekend was a good one, in spite of the 90F+ weather.

Friday night was spent with . It was nice to finally see him, he’s been so busy with school and work lately it’s been hard to coordinate our schedules to meet up. We went out to dinner at a local beer bar and then headed back to our house to watch some movies and chat for a bit.

Saturday night we had Bob over for an enjoyable evening. He brought along his Sparc5, a few beers, and we had a couple growlers from Sly Fox. We ordered some food from the pizzeria down the street and chilled out in our air-conditioned computer room. Beer, computers, friends, hooray!

Sunday Michael and I got up and drove out to Cabela’s in Hamburg to get some camping supplies for our trip out to Central PA this weekend. It wasn’t a bad drive out there, only took us about an hour. Driving up to the Cabela’s store was an interesting experience in itself, you come around a turn on Route 61 and then you see the giant building and Cabela’s sign on top of this big hill, like some sort of shrine. Route 61 turns into four or five lanes, two of which are turning lanes to go into the Cabela’s “complex.” I wish I’d brought my camera. The store was fairly busy, as to be expected, and heavily decorated with a whole outdoorsy hunting theme, including dozens of stuffed animals, several of which were posed on this big fake mountain in the middle of the store. We ended up buying a large tent, an air mattress and an LED lantern for our camping needs.

After leaving Cabela’s we went to downtown Hamburg and had lunch at a sub hoagie shop that reminding me once again a huge reason why Americans are fat – I ordered a “mini” sub and it was 7″ long, I could barely finish it! But it was a good sub. We drove home around 1 and spent the afternoon hiding in the air conditioning.

Sunday evening we had Nita over, her birthday was last week and we wanted to take her out. We ended up going down to Ortino’s Northside beer bar (after making sure they had the raspberry lambic that she enjoys). It was a nice dinner, and it was great catching up with Nita. We made some tentative plans for heading up to north Jersey next month for wedding dress shopping.

And now it’s Monday. It’s supposed to be hot all week, upper 80s as the highs. I’m hiding inside my office enjoying the air-conditioning.