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Archive for the ‘EOY’ Category

The adventures of 2024

2024 was a strange year, and it took me a while to write this post because I wasn’t sure how to approach it. As with all years, there were high points, like getting back to traveling to conferences, our first real family vacations, visits with my family, spending all summer in Philadelphia, and watching both […]

The adventures of 2023

2023 was an interesting year. Our oldest started Transitional Kindergarten and came home having learned a bunch of new things. Our youngest matured in leaps and bounds, turning into a talking, opinionated, member of our family. We had a bit of a rocky summer with an au pair who didn’t work out, but following that […]

The adventures of 2022

2022 was a mixed bag. On the one hand, our three year old started preschool and ended up bringing every sickness he came across home, and we were essentially sick for half the year. We also finally succumbed to COVID-19 in July. On the flip side, the boys finally got vaccinated! And we finally got […]

At home adventures of 2021

Here we are again, my End of Year blog post, even if I’m writing it pretty late. In 2020 we squeezed in a handful of trips early in the year before the pandemic hit, but we did not have that opportunity this year. We didn’t travel at all. We never even left the San Francisco […]

The adventures of 2020, or lack thereof?

For the past decade, every year I’ve written an End of Year blog post. I list the places I’ve traveled, my talks, and then generally reflect upon other milestones in the year. 2020 was a very different year for all of us due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Amusingly, at the beginning of 2020 I made […]

The adventures of 2019

The biggest thing of 2019 was welcoming our little Adam Stanley Joseph into our lives! Throughout the year we’ve got to experience piles of the joys of new parenthood. The newborn snuggle time, reading our childhood favorites with him, adorable baby giggles, the look of happiness when he sees me after work, the on-going process […]

The adventures of 2018

On the face of it, 2018 was a great year for “big ticket” milestones and life changes. We moved to our new home in Castro Valley! We learned we were expecting our first child! I gave three keynotes! Along with speaking at or participating in over a dozen conferences, four of which I was on […]

The adventures of 2017

In 2017, I spent a lot of my free time at home watching TV. I also put on about 15 pounds. In so many ways, 2017 was a terrible year. I watched our country be torn apart by “us vs. them” rhetoric and leadership that has begun dismantling hard-won protections for the most vulnerable members […]

The adventures of 2016

2016 was filled with professional successes and exciting adventures, but also various personal struggles. I exhausted myself finishing two books, navigated some complicated parts of my marriage, experienced my whole team getting laid off from a job we loved, handled an uptick in migraines and a continuing bout of bronchitis, and am still coming to […]

The adventures of 2015

I wasn’t sure what to expect from 2015. Life circumstances meant that I wanted to travel a bit less, which meant being more selective about the conferences I would speak at. At the same time, some amazing opportunities for conferences came up that I couldn’t bring myself to turn down. Meeting new people, visiting countries […]