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Archive for the ‘events’ Category

Lima, dia uno y UbuConLA prep

Saying my Spanish is “weak” is being generous. I know lots of nouns and a smattering of verbs from “learning Spanish” in school, but it never quite stuck and I lacked the immersive experience that leads to actually learning a language. So I was very thankful to be spending yesterday with my friend and Ubuntu […]

Meetup, baseball and kitties

I had fully intended on writing this before sitting in a hotel in Peru, but pre-trip tasks crept up, I had last minute things to finish with work (oh, leaving on a Wednesday!) and sitting on a plane all day is always much more exhausting than I expect it to be. So here we are! […]

OSCON 2015

Following the Community Leadership Summit (CLS), which I wrote about wrote about here, I spent a couple of days at OSCON. Monday kicked off by attending Jono Bacon’s Community leadership workshop. I attended one of these a couple years ago, so it was really interesting to see how his advice has evolved with the change […]

Community Leadership Summit 2015

My Saturday kicked off with the Community Leadership Summit (CLS) here in Portland, Oregon. Jono Bacon opened the event by talking about the growth of communities in the past several years as internet-connected communities of all kinds are springing up worldwide. Though this near-OSCON CLS is open source project heavy, he talked about communities that […]

SF activities and arrival in Portland, OR

Time at home in San Francisco came to an end this week with a flight to Portland, OR on Friday for some open source gatherings around OSCON. This ended my nearly 2 months without getting on a plane, the longest stretch I’ve gone in over 2 years. My initial intention with this time was to […]

Weekends, street cars and red pandas

I’m home for the entire month of June! Looking back through my travel schedule, the last month I didn’t get on a plane was March of 2013. The travel-loving part of me is a little sad about breaking my streak, but given that it’s June and I’ve already given 8 presentations in 5 countries across […]

Liberty OpenStack Summit days 3-5

Summiting continued! The final three days of the conference offered two days of OpenStack Design Summit discussions and working sessions on specific topics, and Friday was spent doing a contributors meetup so we could have face time with people we’re working with on projects. Wednesday began with a team breakfast, where over 30 of us […]

Liberty OpenStack Summit day 2

My second day of the OpenStack summit came early with he Women of OpenStack working breakfast at 7AM. It kicked off with a series of lightning talks that talked about impostor syndrome, growing as a technical leader (get yourself out there, ask questions) and suggestions from a tech start-up founder about being an entrepreneur. From […]

Liberty OpenStack Summit day 1

This week I’m at the OpenStack Summit. It’s the most wonderful, exhausting and valuable-to-my-job event I go to, and it happens twice a year. This time it’s being held in the beautiful city of Vancouver, BC, and the conference venue is right on the water, so we get to enjoy astonishing views throughout the day. […]

Xubuntu sweatshirt, Wily, & Debian Jessie Release

People like shirts, stickers and goodies to show support of their favorite operation system, and though the Xubuntu project has been slower than our friends over at Kubuntu at offering them, we now have a decent line-up offered by companies we’re friendly with. Several months ago the Xubuntu team was contacted by Gabor Kum of […]