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Archive for the ‘family’ Category

Organizing things and watching monster trucks

A few weeks ago I began a home organization project whose goals were: To make me feel better about our home, rather than “argh, it’s always a mess!” To make it easier for me to complete tasks, less “where is that form for school?” and “where is that 9 inch baking pan?” And with the […]

A rainy February

We’ve had a pretty chill February. Part of it is that I’ve just been a bit tired and it’s easier to stay close to home, another is that we’ve wanted to spend the weekends catching up with some stuff around the house instead of grand adventures. It’s also rained a lot and been quite chilly, […]

Lions and more Lego

Beyond birthday parties and wish granting, our January was pretty normal. We were all fighting off the ever-present runny noses that stalk our household this time of year, we had some small adventures. On the weekend we visited Aaron’s cave on the west side of San Francisco, we made the trek up to the bay […]

Birthday wishes: Caves and Ice

Some time last year Aaron started asking to go visit a cave. I don’t know where he learned about caves, or what drove this request, but he was quite insistent upon it, for months. Finally, just prior to his birthday in December, I did some online spelunking to see if there were any we could […]

A very Lego 6th birthday

On January 6th Adam turned six years old. He’s blossomed into a hilarious, fun kid and I’m so proud of his thoughtfulness and kindness. Plus, he’s always been interested in figuring things out, so this past year that’s morphed into doing Lego kits with me, and one of his birthday requests was going to the […]

Hanukkah 5785 in Philadelphia

This year was the first time with the kids that Hanukkah ended up being observed all in Philadelphia. Because of how it moves around on the Gregorian calendar, there is always a chance that we’ll be spending part or all of Hanukkah in Philadelphia over the winter school break. It presented an interesting challenge, how […]

A castle, dinosaurs, and snow in Philly

I wouldn’t recommend flying across the country 12 days after an appendectomy, it’s painful, but we had holiday plans in Philadelphia and our flights wouldn’t wait! On December 18th, with a lot of luggage help from our au pair, we made our way out to Philadelphia for two and a half weeks. We were greeted […]

Aaron is 4 years old!

At the end of November we flew home from Florida, which meant we had a little recovery time on Sunday after taking the boys to swim class, and then on Monday, December 2nd, Aaron turned 4 years old! Given the timing of holidays and travel plans of our own and friends, we decided to decorate […]

Thanksgiving in Florida: Part 2

We spent the first half of our Florida trip in the south, and on Tuesday we drove almost 3 hours north to visit my family in Melbourne. On the drive up I received a call from my Aunt Mary Ellen who we had planned on spending Thanksgiving dinner with, only to learn she had contracted […]

Thanksgiving in Florida: Part 1

Back in July we had a plan to spend the 4th of July with family, and those plans fell apart when the whole household came down with COVID-19 just days before we were supposed to leave for our trip. But we still wanted to visit! MJ has a little cousin (now two years old!) who […]