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Archive for the ‘food’ Category

Thanksgiving with the family in Philadelphia

We spent the week before Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving week itself at our townhouse in Philadelphia. Since this is just another home spot for us, we were both working most of the time, and the usual laundry, dishes, and house stuff. A few days into our trip, the dishwasher stopped working, but thankfully it had just […]

Food, friends, and offices in Raleigh

Last month I flew out to Raleigh for All Things Open and CLS 2023. It turned out to be a trip packed with not just the conference, but two separate unrelated work opportunities. Still, I made sure to take advantage of being in a place with good food and friends I hadn’t seen in person […]

Enjoying Las Vegas, a little

Before the pandemic, MJ and I traveled a bunch for work. It was quite the shift to not only cease travel, but have both of us home all the time. At first it was great to have a lot more time together, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend so much time bonding with […]

Labor Day weekend delicacies

Over Labor Day weekend half the household was sick, and the rest appeared to be heading in the same direction. In a sense, I’m glad we didn’t make plans for the long weekend, since we wouldn’t have been able to keep them. So instead of going anywhere, we stayed close to home and did some […]

Summer fun and chores, chocolate, cars, and fish

The first Tuesday in August is National Night Out. I seem to recall it was held at the BART station last year, and we stumbled upon it accidentally while passing by the setup earlier in the day. Now that I’m more hooked into the local parent groups, I’m starting to discover these activities quite a […]

Summer 2023 by the Bay

It’s been very summer over here with the boys. Living in northern California means that most of the year is pretty great for outdoor adventures, but we still technically have seasons, and with summer break it does seem like there are a lot more events this time of year. Plus, it is a bit more […]

Adam is 4!

Adam turned four in early January. It’s a little hard to believe that four years ago I had my first newborn at home! His birthday landed on a Friday and unfortunately he wasn’t feeling very well that evening. Instead of going out to dinner as planned, we spent the evening playing Lights Out! in his […]

Aaron is 2!

Just after the pandemic began in 2020, we learned I was pregnant. It culminated in having beautiful little Aaron in December. Which means, he just turned two years old! Aaron has been really into buses lately, so theme-wise it was nice to do one around buses for him. Unfortunately the buses that all the party […]

Thanksgiving weekend adventures and more IBM s390x trinkets

Thanksgiving weekend was a bit of a whirlwind. We had four days with no work and the boys at home, so my mission was to keep us all entertained during that whole time, including Thanksgiving when not much is open! We ended up taking BART to San Francisco to go to a park. Aaron is […]

Holidays, 41st birthday, and friends

The end of September was a bit of a whirlwind. The Jewish high holy days always land around that time, I have my birthday, and at work we’re winding down from the busiest time of the year (especially true this year!). When we got back from Philadelphia, we immediately paused to observe Rosh Hashanah. We’re […]