We got home from Florida very late on Saturday night, and Sunday was spent resting and getting back into our California routine. On Monday, I had a stomach ache. I figured it was some vague “travel stomach” and it would go away. On Tuesday the pain continued, but I had a babysitter that night and […]
Archive for the ‘health’ Category
Summer COVID
Hours after I published the last post that I concluded with a mention of our planned trip to Florida, I came down with a sore throat. The next morning I woke up with the telltale headache, and then a message from a relative we’d spent the weekend confirmed it: COVID. The rapid test I took […]
Solo time at baseball and RSA 2024
I’ve always known I was an introvert, but my need for alone time to recharge was always a rather casual thing. Sure, I’d miss some parties and maybe I don’t go out as much as other people, but that’s OK. Having kids has changed that. I get very little time to myself, and ultimately it […]
Health, trees, San Francisco, and the zoo!
A couple weeks ago I entered a period of depression. It’s something that I’ve written about before, I’ve had bouts of depression since I was a youth, and there doesn’t seem to be a pattern or rationale to when they strike. I do think these bouts are made worse by life circumstances and stress, mostly […]
COVID-19 came home again, but not for long!
When I returned from my trip to Las Vegas, I tested negative for COVID-19 and happily re-joined my family. The next morning I had a cough, headache, and the general fatigue that were all too familiar. A second line on a COVID-19 test confirmed my fears, I had it. At that point I had already […]
+25 pounds
I weighed in at 212 pounds this morning. I’m not pleased about that, but it’s worth writing about. Two years ago I wrote a blog post titled 50 pounds. In it I chronicled the path I walked to lose 50 pounds from my high point of 237 pounds just prior to my second pregnancy in […]
Wet/dry January, old/new tech
It’s now the second month of 2023, and I can confirm that the arbitrary changing of the calendar year has not, in fact, made our immune systems better at fighting off every random bug that Adam brings home from preschool. At the beginning of January it was a brutal stomach bug, and we are now […]
August has been cough, I mean tough?
I’ve been sick. Admittedly, this has characterized most of 2022, since Adam started going to preschool. We had a nice little break of a month and a half during summer break, but then we got COVID. Once we recovered, Adam came down with a cold with fever at the end of July after going back […]
Our house fell to COVID-19
We’re not yet sure how it happened. We were masking indoors, avoiding indoor dining and crowded areas, and not traveling. Still, on a Saturday evening a few weeks ago our au pair started feeling sick and took a COVID test. It was positive. MJ and I immediately ones of our own, his was positive, mine […]
Adam’s birthday, trees, and SLTs
January was a difficult month for me. I haven’t been sleeping well, and as other things came together and I was hoping to get back on track with healthier habits, the sleep puzzle piece didn’t, and it really is a major thing for me. I wouldn’t say I took for granted how well I slept […]