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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Sea lions, SF Zoo March of the Penguins and Internets

Friday evening I wrapped up work and needed some fresh air so I hopped on a street car (#1893) and headed down to visit the sea lions at Pier 39. On my way I was browsing Twitter and saw an article from The Marine Mammal Center: Rescue Efforts for Two Sea Lions Entangled in Ocean […]

Projects and Aquarium of the Bay

Have I mentioned lately how nice it is to have a proper task manager? I didn’t realize how much I’d value my history of completed items or how much time I’d save until now. It’s really transforming how I allocate my time and I’m able to do a much better job of figuring out how […]

Engagement weekend

As I mentioned in my last post, we spent the weekend at The Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa. We began our weekend Saturday morning with a shared room service order of crab eggs Benedict and a plate of smoked salmon with cream cheese and a bagel – yum! From there it was down to […]

Our engagement

Our second anniversary was July 3, 2011 and MJ told me we’d be going on a trip but didn’t tell me any of the details aside from “we won’t be going on a plane” so I could pack accordingly. On the evening of Friday, July 1st, MJ came home early and we dressed up for […]


On Friday evening MJ proposed and I said yes! I was completely surprised up until the moment he asked. The whole proposal was quite an amazing undertaking, complete with a limo, a professional photographer, a winery rented out for the evening and private catering for our dinner in a wine cave. The evening ended with […]

Blind pinnipeds, conservation and other things

I had a very productive, if mellow, week last week. Inspired by setting up my new desk, Tuesday evening I hopped on Caltrain and met MJ for a trip to Ikea to look at some office furniture. We didn’t find anything particularly inspiring but it did help us refine our search some and we ended […]

Since Edmonton

Aside from big things I’ve written about these past three weeks, I’ve been pretty occupied otherwise too. Upon leaving Edmonton on the night of Memorial day I thought I was suffering from allergies, but the following days proved that I had a pretty miserable cold which lasted through the week and rendered me relatively unproductive. […]

Lurking in airports

This has been my busiest travel month ever, and I think it’ll be hard to top. I’m currently sitting at San Francisco International Airport waiting for my 3 hour flight to Edmonton to see my sister and finally meet her husband (it’s only been 5 years…). I’ll be renting a car upon arrival at 11PM […]

B2B, Ubuntu Hours and the rest of my week

Sunday was full of jetlag. My flight the previous night had gotten in at 7PM but the time zone difference from Budapest was killer. I managed to stay up past 10PM but I woke up bright and early on Sunday when Bay to Breakers started at 7AM. B2B is the annual race in San Francisco […]

Weekend food and California Academy of Sciences

There was much delicious food this past weekend, I feel like I need to eat salad for a week. Friday I was lurking in the Shimmer Project channel when the conversation drifted from shimmery things and on to the subject of beer. Being a Friday this meant that I then had to go out for […]