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Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Nessy back from shop!

I brought Nessy over to Tri-County Bicycles last week to get her gears looked at. The guy at the shop was able to realign everything (nothing broken, yay!) and get me sorted for pretty cheap. So I went ahead and got the hybrid tires he had shown me, and luckily was able to use the […]

Wedding, sick, Nessy, Xen server

The wedding I attended on Saturday for Jonathan and Crissi was very nice (photos by Andrew Keyes): There was nommy cake! And I told #plug folks once the wedding was done (I met Jonathan through PLUG): Unfortunately, after arriving home after the wedding I was feeling a bit tired, later in the evening I started […]

Movies, friends, attending wedding soon

I’m glad I started keeping a calendar last year, I don’t think I’d be able to live without one now. My task list is still an issue though, am currently trying out a few solutions to this, Goog Calendar now has tasks built into it, hmm. Last week I had a lovely dinner with Crissi, […]

Travel, Time, TV, Chromium browser, Linode upgrade

Gosh, my blog has been full of work, work, work and seriousness these past few weeks. I did mention my jaunt off to San Francisco a couple weeks ago to visit MJ (yay!). I stayed in last weekend and worked on projects, but this weekend am doing another insane-weekend-trip and am road tripping down to […]

Cough, Cars, Computers and other things that start with C?

I’ve finally had some downtime from all these exciting weekend trips, it’s been quite nice and I’ve had lots of time to catch up on local stuff! Last week I finally saw a doctor again about my never-ending cough. It started a few years ago, this lingering cough that lasted through the winter, usually went […]

To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars!

I spent the long holiday weekend in San Francisco with MJ. So I’ll start there, for those of you not hovering over twitter MJ and I started dating this weekend :) . MJ and me after fireworks on the 4th We’ve been close friends for years, and in spite of the distance this progression in […]


My sister’s flight finally came into PHL Friday night around 11:30, so by midnight we were taking 76 through the city to head back to my apartment. I had planned on pizza that evening, but arriving back around 1AM left us with the options of a local diner or Wawa. Wanting her to have the […]

Wii, TV, Blinker and Smartphone

I bought a Wii this weekend. It’s been on my “want” list for quite some time now but I kept putting it off due to financial considerations. I still had those considerations on my mind, but I needed some retail therapy. Nudge me via email to swap Wii and MarioKart codes :) I ended up […]

Git, Star Trek, firewall fail and sister

Wednesday night I skipped down to Philly for an amazing pollo y papas burrito at MexiCali Cafe and then over to PLUG for Kyle Burton‘s Intro to Git talk (slides are on his talks page). Great presentation, and in an interesting twist of fate, while sitting at the meeting I received an email from my […]

Misc life thingys

I slept in this morning. Sleeping in is somewhat unusual for me, but for some reason I’ve had a very difficult time sleeping lately, I’ll take what I can get! Once I got up I decided to take the plunge and upgrade my desktop from 8.10 (Intrepid) to 9.04 (Jaunty). It went well aside from […]